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PTC Sites Won't Make You Rich!

Paid to Click (PTC) sites provide services to earn money by clicking on some ads. The number of ads as well as the range of values ​​of each ad varies for each site. In general, a member gets paid $0.0001 to $0.02 per click. This is a reasonable range. Outside these ranges, such as $1 per click or more will be said to be a scam or a lie.

With the acquisition of so small it's ridiculous when people flocked to register with sites like this. Just imagine, if you served 20 ads per day with a value as follow: two ads worth $0.01; ten worth $ 0.001 and the rest is worth $0.0005 then you would get: $0.02+$0.01+$0.004 =$0.034! In a month you get: $0.034x30=$1.02. Aha! You want money $1.02 per month?

You could join more than one site, for example, five or ten. But this will not bring significant change. Your income will not be better. You can just multiply it, 5x$1=$5 or 10x$1= $10 per month. What pains for only $5 or $10 per month? In addition we will be very tired if you have to join at five to ten sites.

However there are many people want to join the program. I think these are the reasons why:
  1. The easiest way to make money on the internet. Not needed anything other than the ability to click on. Sure anyone can do that.
  2. Free membership. Indeed, you can upgrade by paying, but it is optional.
  3. The result is more real. I mean, when you click on the ads, the pay is directly visible on your account balance. So you know exactly how has been obtained, and when can make a withdrawal.
  4. All members have the same dream that one day they would earn a lot of money there.
Perhaps you joined a site because attracted to an ad promising huge income if you become a member. The advertiser showed you that he had received several thousand dollars from what he said as 'best PTC sites'. But did he tell you how to earn big income? How can someone get a few tens of dollars in just one or two days?

What most people don’t know about how to earn big money at Paid to Click (PTC) programs is about referrals. Their success is depending on how many people they successfully refer to the programs. Without these referrals, earn big money will be just a dream. You can’t depend on your clicks in order to make a lot of money.

For most people, it's not easy to get referrals. It needs funds and knowledge of online marketing techniques. I think most of PTC sites members don't have these two essential things. Maybe they can get referrals, but for small number. Can you make much money with that? I don’t think so.

With these facts, a small number of people who have much funds and knowledge about online marketing will get huge referrals easily. Hence they will be richer and richer. In the reverse, most of members will keep in struggle to gain their dream without result. For most of them, PTC programs are like sad ending stories. It starts with big promises but end with the result of small bucks. I believe that PTC sites won’t make you rich!


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