Don't believe this mail below. It just a scam mail to trap you. The mail sender wants to taps your password and security questions at Liberty Reserve.
This mail was not from Liberty Reserve. Don't click on any link in the mail. Ignore it or delete it immediately.
Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
1. Always address you by your first name.
2. Never send you any links or attached files.
3. Never ask you to send us your password and/or login PIN.
Dear Customer,
Your account has been blocked due to 5 unsuccessful Reset Code tries.
Please take action if you did not try to login to your account.
As a result, you'll notice that some of the following options are now unavailable:
Send money to other Liberty Reserve users
Receive money from other users
Edit or remove account details
Close your Liberty Reserve account.
How do I resolve the issue?
First, you must change your password and update security questions.
You also will be charged with 0.50$ unlock fee. Unlock your account here:
Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail.
Thank you.
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